Update your knowledge on basic Public Health interventions. Download the Hygiene and Environmental Health module for Primary Health Workers

Most of communicable diseases in low income countries are preventable using environmental health interventions, so targeting environmental health is critical for improving the health of their communities. Good hygiene practices are an essential part of our daily life and we all need to understand what hygiene means, why it’s important for our health and wellbeing, and how we can change our behaviour to safeguard our health.

The Hygiene and Environmental Health Module comprises 23 study sessions divided into two parts. This Module will help students address hygiene and environmental health issues in their communities. This module introduces students to the important concepts and key terms that are used in environmental health and hygiene. We explain the scope of environmental health and describe the links between hygiene, sanitation and human health. We also describe the steps in environmental health planning and give students an overview of their role in the management of hygiene and environmental health at community level.

You can download the  course to run offline on your Android smartphone directly from the OppiaMobile learning app.


Launch of the MOH Uganda Capacity Building App based on the OppiaMobile platform

MOH Uganda Capacity Building App is a health worker learning / training platform supported by the Community Health Academy- Last Mile Health in collaboration with Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Uganda Chartered HealthNet and the Ministry of Health using the OppiaMobile app technology.

A significant limiting factor to an appropriate COVID-19 response in Uganda is the need for social distancing which prevents traditional capacity building efforts such as face-to-face training. Covid-19 Uganda training platform has been developed to address this need in a timely manner.

OppiaMobile is an open source mobile learning platform specially designed for delivering learning content such as multimedia and quizzes in low-resource settings. Course content can be developed in Moodle and then exported to run offline on the OppiaMobile Android app.  Once MOH Uganda Capacity Building App is downloaded onto a smart phone or tablet, the training content is readily available for use offline. Users earn points for engagement with the course content, and badges when they complete a course. When a course is updated, users are automatically notified that a new version is available, so they can keep their course content up-to-date.

Users can download the MOH Uganda Capacity Building App from the Google Playstore. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ug.go.health.mobile.covid19

Abhaya: An app developed to support poor women and girls’ rights in India powered by OppiaMobile

ABHAYA is a project supported by the European Union which is implemented by two organisations:  Aarti for Girls and Women’s Initiatives in Kadapa and Chittoor districts respectively in Andhra Pradesh, India.

The Abhaya app is an outcome of the project and works as a tool to quickly help know and understand – what to do, whom to contact, how to support a woman girl whose rights have been violated. In this app, you will find all kinds of issues of discrimination that women/girls might be facing.

You can downlaod the app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.abhaya.mobile.learning&hl=en

Launch of the COVID-19 Ethiopia-Health Worker Training App based on the OppiaMobile platform

COVID-19 Ethiopia is a health worker learning/training platform supported by the Community Health Academy-Last Mile Health using the OppiaMobile app technology. The objective is to reach health workers with appropriate, up-to-date and multimedia aided COVID-19 information and training content on mobile devices accessed anywhere, anytime. 10000+ have already downloaded the app in the first days.

One of the major limiting factors to a timely COVID-19 response is the need for social distancing which prevents traditional capacity building efforts such as face-to-face training. COVID-19 Ethiopia training app has been developed to address this need in a timely manner.

OppiaMobile is an open source mobile learning platform specially designed for delivering learning content such as multimedia and quizzes in low-resource settings. Course content can be developed in Moodle and then exported to run offline on the OppiaMobile Android app.

The target audience for this app are frontline health workers including; nurses, health officers, physicians, volunteers working in health facilities and other health service delivery points set up for COVID-19 across all 11 regions of Ethiopia. Once COVID-19 Ethiopia is downloaded onto a smart phone or tablet, the training content is readily available for use offline. Users earn points for engagement with the course content, and badges when they complete a course. When a course is updated, users are automatically notified that a new version is available, so they can keep their course content up-to-date.

The ethiopian FMOH, EPHI and Community Health Academy have jointly launched the training platform and uploaded on google Playstore.  Their response teams will endorse, approve uploading of training content and protocols on the platform. Frontline health workers, program managers and all public health professionals are encouraged to download app and access up-to-date and FMOH approved COVID-19 content.

The courses and materials to be offered on the COVID-19-Ethiopia platform are: Surveillance; Case Management; Laboratory; Infection Prevention and Control; Risk Communication and Community Engagement and COVID-19 handbook for Health Workers.

Users can download the COVID-19 Ethiopia Training App from the Google Playstore.

Update your knowledge on Immunization, Viruses and other Common Pathogens. Download the Immunization module for Primary Health Workers

Many serious communicable diseases are easily preventable by immunization and it saves millions of lives every year. Immunization or vaccination can make an enormous difference to the health of individuals and communities. Main vaccine-preventable diseases are tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, measles, pneumonia and meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae type b, and hepatitis B disease.

This Module contains clear guidelines on how to conduct all important immunization activities. Much of the credit for successful immunization campaigns is due to the activities of primary health professionals.

You can download the course to run offline on your Android smartphone directly from the OppiaMobile learning app.

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